Sunday, October 11, 2015

ntuc fairprice to tackle food waste problems

Hi! Remember the last post, where I mentioned that the survey respondents were curious about NTUC Fairprice's food reduction measures? Well, Zero Waste Singapore sent the survey report to the top 10 F&B companies and urged them to take action, and would follow up with them to understand and get to know more about their food reduction strategies. Companies that take action would be highlighted by Zero Waste SG, because afterall, these efforts deserve recognition by the public.

So, let's take a look at what NTUC FairPrice has done! Firsly, they have introduced a Food Waste Index to track their annual food waste, and sustain their food waste reduction efforts. This is a first in Singapore's supermarket industry.

Secondly, the CEO announced the pilot "Great Taste Less Waste Selection" initiative at 7 FairPrice Xtra outlets. This is similar to the initiative adopted by the french supermarket, Intermarché. Fruits and vegetables that are unsold due to their blemishes but are still edible would be trimmed/cut into smaller pieces before they are repackaged and sold at a lower price. "Ugly" food are thus given a second life. Not only this, FairPrice will be educating their customers on the awareness of food waste, to handle food with care and to convince consumers that "ugly" food is still edible and safe for consumption.

Lastly, FairPrice also has a long-term partnership with a local charity, Food From the Heart (FFTH). FairPrice outlets will donate their unsold canned food products on a regular basis. Currently, only 55 outlets are involved, but FairPrice has targeted for all 126 stores to eventually participate in this programme as well. 

So, in summary, here is what FairPrice is doing:

 It is heartening to see that actions are taken to reduce food wastage, especially by one of the leading retail supermarkets in Singapore. It is therefore important for other F&B companies to also follow suit, so that greater results can be achieved. Not sure if the FairPrice outlet at my house has the 'Great Taste Less Waste' campaign though.. I've never seen the 'repackaged' groceries before :( Would love to try it though!! 

Ending this post here now, bye!! Hope you enjoyed reading this :)

ZERO WASTE SINGAPORE. (2015) NTUC FairPrice takes the lead to measure and reduce food waste. [Online] 28 May 2015. Available from: [Accessed: 12/10/2015]

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